Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dad is home

Dad is home after 32 days in the hospital. He is naturally weak and mom is having a difficult time helping him up and down. Home health care nurses will come twice a day for a while to change his bandage and pack the incisions.

Last night was nice. I actually was able to go to the grocery store. We were out of everything. Tonight should be even better, if all goes as planned, I actually get to go straight home after work. That will be a difference indeed.

We have 2 stray kittens and their mommie at home. I have to get busy trying to find homes for them. They are adorable but I already have a house full.

Gage's 2nd birthday party was on the 4th. We had a real good time. It rained all day on Sunday . The balloons and streamers are still up in our dining room. Believe me, I have a lot to do around the house this weekend. Robert has spent most of the week at Amandas. Still no sign of a job for him. He's a huge help to me around the house and with the yard work etc... but I hope he gets a job soon. He will be 23 years old in September.

In the crafting dept, I finished a red scarf. I'll try to post a picture this weekend. Started a baby blanket. A business aquaintance I have, Dina, just told me yesterday that she is expecting. She's about 2 months along. I am making it a very pretty pale green.

Bought several books last Friday at some local yard sales. Hope to start one this weekend.

Avon is still going good. Been getting lots of books out, especially yesterday and will get more out today.

Life is good, I am blessed and I am thankful.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just an update on Dad. He is still in ICU but doing much, much better. Hope he will get to come home soon. Mom does too as she is exhausted from going back and forth to the hospital. Weather has dried out a little here. Hot and sunny:) Gage's pumpkins plants are full of blooms. Actually, the new blooms are bigger than the plants themselves. All of the sunflowers are standing well over a foot now. Bill and Robert have gone to spend the day with Bills mom and his brother. They will be bringing the ATV and the seadoo home hopefully. Two new avon customers. Have to get the rest of the brochures out today on my way home from work...

Friday, June 19, 2009

It's finally Friday and for that I am glad. Dad is headed back to surgery this morning. The blood has stopped flowing into his right leg so they have to work on it some more. There is still a risk of heart attack since he had one with his last surgery - just 13 days ago. I snapped a photo of him with my cell phone last night as I left the hospital. In my eyes,he looked so tired and I worried so much about this surgery but looking at the picture -- he looks wonderful and I feel much better about the outcome.
Suppose to be awfully hot today. I'm just so thankful it's Friday. Susan hopes to get new tires on her car tomorrow. I hope that is the problem with it. It's been nice spending extra time with her as we share my car but it's hard on me too with all of the extra driving . Her too, I'm sure.
Avon came in yesterday for C-13. I got some beautiful jewelry and an ANEW skin care set. My face felt wonderful after using it last night and this morning.
Big deal this weekend to get all of the grand opening books out for C-14. All orders get 15% off. I have a list of places to take them. Spoke to the kids dad and he said we could leave some in the laundry rooms of the apartment complex he lives and works at.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The sun is finally shining today. Day upon Day of rain. Naturally, everything is beautiful and green and I am thankful for that. But, it will be nice to dry out a little.

Susan's car is on the blink again, permanently this time I'm afraid. Had to leave the house at 4:15 this morning to drive her to work. Drove back home and slept about 1 hour more before getting up and getting myself ready for work. Have to take my lunch hour and pick her up from work, we come back to my work, she leaves with my car and then comes back and picks me up at 6 when I get off. Really having to struggle to hold things together mentally. It's been a rough couple of weeks.

Dad is doing better but today is day 13 in the hospital. He may get released today, we haven't heard for sure yet.
Work is kinda blah once more. I'm so burned out. Hope it gets better.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trials and Tribulations

This has definately been a week or more filled with trials and tribulations. Dad is in the hospital. Went in a week ago for some vascular surgery in his legs. He's still in PCU with problems with his kidneys. Had a scare with my hubby, Bill day before yesterday. Thought he had a stroke so an ambulance ride to the hospital and hour upon hour in the E/R -- he has bells palsey. Better than a stroke but upsetting nonetheless. The weather -- rain, rain and more rain. The stepping stones coming off of our back deck to the driveway actually seemed to move with my steps this morning.

Avon is going great. On my Grand Opening campaign this go round. Special discount on all orders.... Will be putting out most of the brochures on Saturday. Sent a postcard annoucing the grand opening to many friends and got a new customer this morning.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Haven't been able to post in awhile. Dad has been in the hospital. No blood moving to his legs so they had to open up one of the arteries and detour blood to the other leg. He had a heart attack after surgery and a problem with his kidneys. He's improving and has been moved after a full week in ICU.

Weather remains wet here in Virginia. Haven't had a chance to check on Gage's pumpkin patch or my sunflowers. I bought fertilizer and some bug deterrent for them and hope to apply that this weekend. Speaking of this weekend,,,

2 family reunions to attend. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. Also working in the transport of mom to and from the hospital. Should be a busy, busy weekend.

Have to finish up the Campaign 13 avon orders etc.. My Grand Opening campaign will be Campaign 14. All orders will receive a 15% discount to celebrate :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rain, Rain, Rain

Its kind of like - here in Virginia, we have turned into the tropics or something. Steady rains daily have become a common occurance. Jokingly, I told my husband this morning that the woods all around us were quickly becoming a "rain forest". Everything is beautiful and so vividly green. Should have some photos to share in the next few days.

All else is going fine - nothing out of the ordinary at the moment. Bills truck has started again - hope he gets it to a garage anyway. Things are looking hopeful for my son to get hired at a local fast food resturant. He has really had a difficult time finding a job. Gave him some information about a local group that offers ged testing and classes as well as future job training. He was very interested. I think just getting his ged will give him more self confindence. The other job training will be nice too. They offer welding, diesel truck mechanic, building maintenace and HVAC training and certification.

Still reading The Ghost by Danielle Steele.

On the very last round of the doily I am making for a dear friend of mine. Again, I will post a photo when it's completed.

Avon business is going good. Last week for the orders on the current campaign. I was signed up and registered with them online yesterday. It is official now :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day! I have to work today so just a brief post to share with you. Here are a few links - providing a great way to honor our troops that are serving or wounded today. I am currently writing to three soldiers stationed overseas. I have tried to write to at least 3 - 5 since the war in Iraq began. Sometimes I get a name serving in Afghanistan as well.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Symphony of the Birds

These trees are just some of the ones that I see off of my back deck in the morning. Filled with birds and their song. As the sun first comes up, their music is almost deafening. It is one of the greatest parts of the day for me.

Today should prove to be a busy one. My son Robert needs to check on his latest job application. Hopefully a job will be forthcoming this time. Daughter Susan is working until 2 and I have little Gage. He will be 2 in July. I watched him all day yesterday and then at night too as his mommy had a date. Youngest daughter, Becky, who is 13 is going tubing on a local river today. She, Jessie, Tim and Kenny. So, the morning will be busy being a taxi service. Hope to have a little time to myself once Susan gets off from work.

While out this morning, will be dropping off a bunch of avon books at various local post office lobbys. Orders are coming in:)

Below is the small garden I have this year. We just moved in a few months ago. After 11 years in a mobile home park, I appreciate each and every second of our own 4.85 acres :) The little garden has Gage's pumpkin plants and a row of next years snow man noses (carrots). I also have sunflowers started, some flowers and a few watermelon plants. I look forward to planning a large vegetable garden next year. Already have the spot picked out.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday Nights.....

Thursday nights..... he must be to bed at 10 pm.... it's a crisis if he's not. He works three days a week now, three 12 hour shifts, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The first scheduled bedtime night is Thursday. It drives me crazy. I am not a "schedule" person - never have been. He is. He has routines, places for everything, has everything in order for in the - I'm a kind of "fly by the seat of your pants" person :) We clash. We clash alot but we laugh about it. He tries to make me more orderly, especially when it comes to my car - now that's a whole new story.... But now, he's in bed. On time , with his glass of ice water. Me, I'm on the computer - might watch tv a little or even read. Then again, I might crochet. I will have to clean up the kitchen. But that's the only ""have to"" that I have to do tonight. I love it. Freedom. Refusing to set a specific bedtime. Finishing what I have to when I want to. Doing what I want to - going to bed when I'm through with it all. For me, it has nothing to do with the clock and it probably never will....

Thursday nights.... I love them ...... and I love him too :)

Beginning.. Brand New Avon Representative

This is my first avon campaign. It's really exciting for me. Years ago, I sold it. Now, I am determined to become a top seller for our region. Orders so far exceed $100 and I have over a week left.... I hope to use this blog as a place for ideas for other avon reps plus a little personal blogging and shares. My ideas today, leave some books at various local laundramats. Daughters are taking books to their jobs and co-workers and I have brought them in to the girls I work with. Never any pressure and always a smile and a thank you is my motto.

Today - drop off more books. Most stops on my way home from work.

Personal level...

Sister is here from Toronto:) Plane trip yesterday was fine. I really worried about her in Dulles but she did great. I had to return to the airport yesterday afterwork to pick up her bag as they left it in Washington. It was about a 30 minute wait but I enjoyed being at the airport. Hadn't been there in nine years. I thought about how peoples lives are so different. For me, plane travel is never . I rode them as a child but never as an adult. If there is somewhere to go, we drive. If it's too far to drive, we don't go.

Currently Reading

The Ghost by Danielle Steele

Currently Crafting

A crochet doily for a dear friend

Currently Writing

Working on romance novel - modern day - Chad and Haley :) Exerpt soon...